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Traditional Chinese Nutrition


About Traditional Chinese Nutrition

With Traditional Chinese Nutrition we do not look at foods as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates — but instead we take into account the 6 different tastes: Sour, Sweet, Salty, Acid/Spicy, Bitter, and Bland, and the 5 different temperatures: Cold, Cool, Neutral, Warm, and Hot. Each taste has a different function on your body.

Upon completion of the initial consultation and based on the patients signs and symptoms, tongue, and pulse, a Traditional Chinese Nutrition diagnosis is given. From this diagnosis we can suggest foods that are most beneficial to you and your health.


Examples of Bitter Food

Bitter — alfalfa, bitter melon, romaine lettuce, rye

Bitter & Pungent — citrus peel, radish leaf, scallion, turnips

Bitter & Sweet — asparagus, celery, papaya, quinoa


Benefits of bitter food

Decrease inflammation

Fights infection

Alleviates constipation

Reduces high blood pressure

Aids with skin eruptions such as acne and eczema

Decreases overgrowths

Reduces cysts
