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About Functional Medicine Labs

Functional lab tests help explain a patient’s condition and allow the doctor to take the steps needed to begin health. These labs, specifically, help practitioners dig deeper, get a more thorough look at the complexity of the body and connect the dots with what is happening in the whole person. Functional labs allow the patient to truly begin to understand WHY they feel the way they do.

Conventional medicine typically focuses on just one aspect of that journey. The testing is narrow in scope and focuses on a specific symptom, so any treatment plan lacks the complete data necessary for a holistic approach to healing. In fact, many patients are told that their labs are "within normal range," yet they still experience symptoms. Even on routine blood work, functional medicine practitioners evaluate results in a narrower range known as the optimal range to catch certain markers early on. This way of practicing allows practitioners to reverse or stop disease progression altogether.

Functional medicine practitioners use functional labs alongside patient history and symptom review to evaluate body system imbalances holistically.


Functional Medicine Tests Offered

  • Micronutrient Testing

  • Genetic Testing

  • 3-Day Comprehensive Stool Test

  • A Full Thyroid Panel

  • Gut Permeability Labs

  • Sex Hormone Labs

  • Inflammation Labs

  • Food and Chemical Sensitivity Testing

  • Advanced Hormone and Adrenal Gland Testing

  • Organic Acids Test

  • Full Omega Panel

  • True Age

  • Mold and toxin test

    And so much more!
